Q. Who are FALWUA members?
Are FALWUA all persons or entities that own or possess and control land in Fairview Acres that is entitled to receive water from the point or points of delivery in the canal or reservoir, or from the point or points of diversion from waters of the state, that supplies the association's lateral or ditch.
Membership terminates whenever the member ceases to own property served by the water system or systems of FALWUA.
Q. When is water available in the Fairview Acres lateral water system?
Water in Fairview Acres is available during the irrigation season which goes usually from mid-April to end of September. Nevertheless, these dates might vary each year depending on water availability.
The latest irrigation dates will be published in the association’s website.
Q. Can you explain the FALWUA assessment or invoice?
Each property owner has the responsibility of paying a share of the Lucky Peak Reservoir storage fees and lateral waters system (common ditch and lateral or laterals) operation, improvement, repair and maintenance expenses. These fees and expenses are paid by FALWUA every year and reimbursed by its members through the water assessment or invoice. Invoices are sent every year on or before 04/15.
Annual Water Assessment: these are related to the cost of operating, improving, repairing and maintaining the lateral waters system (common ditch and lateral or laterals). Property owners remain responsible of maintaining, throughout the irrigation season, the laterals or distributing ditches in their properties, keeping them clean and free of debris. Cost is based on parcel size.
Q. What are FALWUA members’ rights and obligations?
Each Fairview Acres property is entitled to receive water from the point or points of delivery in the canal or reservoir, or from the point or points of diversion from waters of the state, that supplies the association's lateral or ditch. FALWUA’s role is to ensure that water flows normally in the water system (common laterals or distributing ditches) for members to access it.
Each property owner has the responsibility of paying a share of the Lucky Peak Reservoir storage fees and lateral waters system operation, improvement, repair and maintenance fees.
Property owners have also the responsibility of maintaining, throughout the irrigation season, the laterals or distributing ditches in their properties, keeping them clean and free of debris. This ensures that water flows correctly and it is received by all users as required by Idaho Law.
Q. Can I withdraw from FALWUA?
A water user may withdraw from the association by submitting a Withdrawal Request Form notice and proof that the water user's land is no longer entitled to receive water from the point or points of delivery in the canal or reservoir, or from the point or points of diversion from waters of the state, that supplies the association's lateral or ditch. Withdrawal shall not affect any lien recorded against the water user's land pursuant to section 42-1311, Idaho Code, prior to withdrawal. All properties will maintain their water rights and will be subject to future assessments if water becomes available.
Fairview Acres Lateral - Articles & Certificat (pdf)
DownloadFairview Acres Lateral Withdrawal Request and Guidelines (pdf)
DownloadFairview Acres - Board Member Application (pdf)
DownloadFairview Acres Lateral - By-laws Third Ammendment (pdf)
DownloadFAWLUA Later Shut Down Policy 9-2024 (pdf)
DownloadFAWLUA Lateral Shut Down Request Form 9-2024 (pdf)
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